Cornerstone Fund

Investments to Back Promising New Companies

Cornerstone Fund

Every successful business needs adequate capital to begin, expand, and ultimately grow.

The typical entrepreneur needs around $25,000 to get started and nearly half will require additional funding to grow. Sadly, 82% of startups fail because of cash flow challenges. Lack of capital is one of the biggest barriers to realizing the full economic potential that promising young companies represent to our communities and our nation. 

Builders + Backers’ Cornerstone Funds are impact investment vehicles that provide a full stack of investment options to the most promising new ventures that emerge from our programs, from our local community partners and our global networks of co-investors. We take a blended approach in order to best align the right form of capital for each promising new venture.

For the companies with the highest growth potential, we deploy pre-seed, seed, and A-stage venture capital funding via convertible notes, SAFEs, priced equity rounds, and redeemable equity. And we offer revenue-based financing that can become the lifeline for young companies that don’t fit the VC profile, fostering sustainable job-producing employers in local communities. 

Returns from all Cornerstone Funds are shared with the Pebble Fund, creating a virtuous cycle and contributing to sustainability.

Builders + Backers Cornerstone Funding - Early stage start-up funding
Once a founder has an idea that proves to work, he or she is ready to launch their new company. At this point, their new ventures become eligible to potentially receive funding from our Cornerstone Funds. From revenue-based financing loans to Builders with promising new revenue-generating companies to traditional venture capital investments, we believe in backing the ideas that work with both financial and social capital so that each may reach its full potential. 
We are extraordinarily successful in finding overlooked ideas and fueling promising new companies. With seasoned, successful entrepreneurs at the helm, our experienced team of top-performing fund managers regularly ranks among the world’s best seed stage investors. And our long-standing global relationships are an ecosystem we can tap to engineer success for the promising companies we back.
Builders + Backers Cornerstone Fund - early stage start-up funding.
Join Us in Backing the Tomorrow’s Promising Young Companies

Empowering innovation for a more equitable and prosperous future.